

Some units of napoleonic Bavarian infantry, about 1812. Miniatures from Wargamesfoundry, designed by one of the Perry Brothers. The figures are about "true" 28mm, this is 28mm from "feet to eye". You can click on the unit pictures to get to a new window for a full size picture of the unit. Flags are slightly reworked GMB Designs.
1st infantry regiment, Leib.Regiment: Red facings with white buttons and white buttonhole lace.

2nd infantry regiment, Kronprinz: Red facings with yellow buttons and yellow buttonhole lace

4th infantry regiment, Sachsen Hildburghausen: Sulphur yellow facing with white buttons. This is a very nice combination and my favourite regiment so far. There's a picture of the back downbellow showing the campaign kit.
5th infantry regiment, Von Preysing: Pink facing with red edging and white buttons. Interesting combination.